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French b. Cherbourg 1889 — d. Paris XIII, 1 November 1958
(anagram of Marie, Pseud. de Mlle Marie Louise Pauline Angéla Tassin, a.k.a. Tassin de Tassin)

Blanche de Rosemai
, ill. Manon Iessel
Nouvelle Bibliothèque de Suzette, 1955

Active 1916-1948
Armie, Mlle Marie Tassin, born in Cherbourg, rue des Bastions 9, is the daughter of Henri Charles Armand (b. Alger 1853-d. Paris 1921) Saint-Cyrien, Commandeur Légion Honneur Général commandant 9th Brigade Infanterie (1921), and Henriette Lucie Hélène de Cabrol de Mouté (b.1858-d.1938). They married in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines) on the 3rd of January 1887.
Her eldest brother, André Philippe Charles Alfred, was born in Lille in October 1887. In 1911, aged 24, he was clerc de notaire (i.e. assistant to a solicitor) in Bar-Le-Duc.
As early as 1921 he became known as Baron Tassin de Friedenau.
On her father's side, Mlle Tassin belongs to a Protestant family of high ranking civil servants and army officers. Her paternal grandfather, Charles-Aimé graduated in Law from the University of Paris, in 1857, defending a thesis in Latin (Jus Romanum) and French (Droit Français) on Roman and French Law. He went on to become Directeur général des affaires civiles et financières, in Algeria, the second most important person in the Country. Armie's uncle was Géneral Charles Millet (1843-1914), who married Isabelle, Armand's younger sister. Millet had a marginal role in the Dreyfus affair when, in 1897, in his capacity as Director of Infantry he had a meeting with Major Esterhazy (Dreyfus' accuser) of whom he wrote:

«du coté de la conduite régulière en apparence que tenait, il s'abandonnait secrètement à toutes les violences que lui dictaient des passions aussi effrénées que coupables»

proposing to bring proceedings against Esterhazy for indiscipline and general dishonourable debauched behavior.
The family had its roots in Orléans and is divided into numerous branches. Since the beginning of times a Tassin has always been in the service of a King in one capacity or another. One Tassin de Breuil was the taylor of Jean le Bon (best remembered as the king who was vanquished at the Battle of Poitiers and taken captive to England).
Through her mother, Armie was well connected to the landed gentry and the business aristocracy of the Second Empire. Henriette's father was Alfred Joseph Baron de Cabrol de Mouté Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur, Attaché à l'Ambassade de France London (1854); Attaché au cabinet du Ministre des Affaires Etrangères (1857); Mayor de Jouy-en-Josas (1868-May 1879). In 1880 he bought the Domaine de Vilvert at Jouy on which he built what became known as Le Château de Vilvert. The domaine remained the property of the Cabrols until 1949.
Armie's maternal grandmother, Louise Mallet was, on one side the grandaughter of Christophe Philippe Oberkampf, inventor and manufacturers of printed cotton (la toile de Jouy), on the other, the grandaughter of Guillaume Mallet of the Banque Mallet (founded 1713) who in 1800 became Regent of La Banque de France.
Armie's parents lived in Amiéns, Caen (1905), Bar-le-Duc (1911) and then in Rouen (1911 onwards). They employed three live-in servants: a cook, a lady's maid and a footman. They holidayed in San Sebastian where Armie learned castillan.
General Tassin was put in the Reserve in 1915 and died in 1921 in Neuilly s/Seine following a routine operation. Mme Tassin died in Rouen on the 21st of June 1938 and was buried in Paris cimetière Montparnasse. The funeral service took place in the protestant Temple Saint-Eloi. As it is the custom in France she was known as la Générale Tassin after her husband military grade.

The Tassins were royalistes and légitimistes, partisans of the Bourbons as legitime kings of France (as opposed to the Orléans). Par manque of a French king in residence they had taken up the cause of the legistimist pretenders to the throne of France, the Spanish Bourbons, who during part of Armie lifetime were embodied in the person of Alphonse XIII, king of Spain.
Her fascination with the King started when just seventeen, as plain Marie Tassin she was a runner-up in a competition of piropos (compliments) for the newlywed Alphonse and Ena de Battenberg in May 1906, organized by Je sais tout which were presented bound in volume to the couple.
In the following years, Armie in her own right, her mother and her brother contributed to the many charity activities of the Spanish royal family.
ABC reported in 1914 Marie Tassin's donation of one peseta for Pedagogium the foundation for poor Spanish children patronized by the Infanta Doña Paz; in 1927 the Tassins donations for the funding of the University of Madrid, patronized by Queen Victoria wife of Alphonse "Mlle. Marie Tassin de Tassin, 300 francos; madame la genérale Tassin , cien francos; M. le barón de Tassin de Fudonau (sic), 200 francos".

By the Twenties Armie had become the acknowledged agiographer of King Alphonse XIII and the Spanish royal family whom she met numerous times.
Around this time, Marie acquired, maybe for services to the Spanish royal family, the appellative de Tassin, whilst her brother became baron de Friedenau.
Since 1905 Armie had been going to Paris to pay her respects to Alphonse at the Gare du Nord every time he left or arrived in Paris.
On one occasion, while waiting for the king, Armie was mistaken for an anarchist, arrested and jailed. As ever faithful, she was there, on the 21 of March 1931 "Pero aquí está la señorita Maria Luisa Tassin erguida y protocolaria y como ensimismada, como ausente, creyendo a caso vivir una página de los Chuanes o de la Vendée" reported ABC. Three weeks later the King fled Spain at the advent of the Second Spanish Republic.
Alphonse XIII went to live in Rome and then in Paris where Armie became part of his court in exile. On the death of the incumbent, Alfonso Carlos de Bourbon, Duke of San Jaime in 1936, he was acknowledged by the French "légitimistes" as King of France and Navarre.

After the death of Alphonse in 1941 Tassin continued to support the royal cause through his heir, Don Jaime de Bourbón, Duke of Segovia and Anjou. She was still part of his followers in Paris as late as 1955.
In 1957, nearly seventy, M.lle de Tassin became president of the short lived Association Générale des Légitimistes de France. After much bickering the Association dissolved: for some legitimistes, Don Jaime was not a winning card: he was deaf-mute therefore unsuitalbe to some of the responsabilities of a chef d'état, secondly he was divorced and remarried in a civil ceremony to a commoner, a singer.
Tassin never married. She lived the life of a rentière on the income of her mother's fortune and the occasional inheritance from her wealthy family.
Beside writing she was, like her grandmother Mallet, very active in charity work.
Philippe Montillet quotes her in his book Les Princes ainés de la Maison de Bourbon 1883-1941. She died in Paris XIII, in November 1958, having spent her entire life in the pursuit of the impossible dream of restoring the French Monarchy.

Author of:
Un descendant de Louis XIV, Sa Majesté le Roi Alphonse XIII, Rouen, imp. Gabriel Dervois, 1926
Reina María Cristina, madre de un gran rey by Marie Tassin de Tassin (Armie), 1935
Deux grandes figures d'exilés: Alphonse XIII et le Cardinal Ségura, Librairie du Régionalisme, Rouen, Maugard, 1939
and poetry:
Treize Chansons d'une Autre Age, Airs et Paroles d'Armie, Lecerf, Rouen, 1928
Poèmes de guerre, 1914-15-16, Dervois, Rouen, 1916

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